… IN 2018 …

We assembled a team to pray and dream about expanding our impact for Christ in Moncks Corner. We then partnered with Equip Studios, an architectural firm, to create a vision for best stewarding our facility. We are excited to unveil the results and ask you to prayerfully consider partnering to make God known in this community. Beginning spring 2019 we began raising funds for this vision. We know a primary way God provides for accomplishing His will is through the sacrificial gifts of his people who are inspired by a vision.

We Know That You’ll Want To Be ALL In!


It’s hard to believe, but April 7, 2022 marks the third anniversary and the official end of our three-year capital campaign known as ALL IN. So much has happened and changed since April 7, 2019 - both in our church and in the world. Some who started the campaign with us have moved away, while at the same time, God has blessed us with so many new families. Along the way, our leadership has made some pivotal decisions to ensure that we were being responsible stewards of God’s resources when unforeseen challenges emerged. We thank you so much for your faithful support and generous giving over these last few years. During a worldwide pandemic and economic crisis that crippled many ministries, The Grove has continued to flourish and remain focused on God’s vision for us.

While we are grateful for your commitment to the three-year campaign, we encourage you to continue to give above and beyond, as God blesses you, so that we can bless others. Although we had to make changes in our original plans for expansion and renovation, we are still committed to developing our physical resources so that our church is prepared to make its maximum impact for Jesus in this community and beyond. We have been praying about and evaluating our current plan. We hope you can be with us Sunday, May 15th. During the worship service that day we will celebrate all that God has done, update you on where we currently stand, and look forward to the opportunities ahead of us. Let’s continue to pursue God’s vision for us together, here at The Grove!